mercredi 19 septembre 2007

Je veux bien parler francais! Quel surprise!

Attention BU PIP Students: Don't take this personally; I'm kind of hardcore.

Is it too much to ask to speak French sometimes? I made it a goal before coming to France to speak English only when absolutely necessary; as of right now, I am nowhere close to achieving that goal. I have found it very difficult to speak French consistently with the students in the program. Yesterday, when I spoke to two girls in French they responded to me in French and that was encouraging. Today, however, when I spoke French to people, they gave me funny looks and then avoided speaking to me. SO. I'm going to try really hard to suck it up and keep speaking French, and hopefully I will meet some French students on the trip this weekend to the Loire valley with whom I can spend time. I have met a couple already, but the only way I can contact them is by phone and I can't figure out my calling card. I just keep getting what sounds like a busy signal. I will probably buy a cell phone soon, to contact them and to be able to make plans with my BU friends more easily. Wish me luck!

1 commentaire:

Anna a dit…

si tu veux, je vais essayer de parler seulement en francais avec toi. c'est trop bien ; )