Tonight I babysat for the kids in my host family. Elisabeth is 4 and Stanislas is 2. It was hard just after the mom left, getting them to take baths and stuff. I also fed them (and myself) dinner, read stories and put them to bed. I don't know any French lullabies, so I just sang the songs I always sing when I babysit in the US. When I was done, Stanislas said, "Core, core," which is his precious way of saying "encore." He says that whenever he wants more of anything: pasta, candy, lullabies apparently. He's very cute. So I made 20 euro in about 2 hours, which is pretty excellent (about $15/hr). Now I've gotta get some homework done for Monday because I'm leaving for the Loire Valley tomorrow morning at 6am! I'm going to see more castles and gardens and meet international students....I'm super excited!
P.S. "Boulot" is slang for "travail"
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